Pupil Chaplaincy Team
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School: Empowering Young Leaders in Faith and Service
At St. Joseph’s, we are proud of our vibrant Pupil Chaplaincy Team, a group of passionate pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 who play a vital role in nurturing the spiritual life of our school. Supported by the Parish Team and the Headteacher, these young leaders are dedicated to deepening their own faith while inspiring their peers to grow closer to God.
A Heart for Faith and Service
The Chaplaincy Team is a beacon of faith at St. Joseph’s, meeting weekly to pray, reflect on the Gospel, and explore their questions about faith. Their commitment to following Jesus allows them to guide others by example, bearing witness to Christ in every aspect of school life. They lead whole-school Gospel assemblies, they share Bible stories and reflections, helping to engage the entire school community in meaningful ways.
Guiding Acts of Worship
Our Chaplaincy Team also leads important acts of worship throughout the liturgical year. From praying the Rosary in October to reflecting on the Stations of the Cross during Lent, the Chaplaincy Team invites the whole school to join in these powerful times of prayer and reflection. They also organise collective worship in classrooms, creating personal opportunities for pupils to connect with God and deepen their spiritual lives.
Serving the Common Good and Catholic Social Teaching
The Chaplaincy Team is dedicated to living out their faith through service and to caring for others, embodying the school mission statement. They lead initiatives that encourage the school community to support those in need, such as the annual Harvest food collection for a local food bank, a Winter Coat Drive for the homeless, and other charitable projects. These acts of service inspire our students to actively engage in the Common Good, living out the values of Catholic Social Teaching.
2025 : A Jubilee Year of Hope
This Jubilee Year is a special time of reflection and grace for our school. As we celebrate, the Chaplaincy Team will guide us through this sacred year of spiritual growth, leading acts of worship, reflection, and service. Together, we will deepen our faith and live out the teachings of Christ with hope, bringing light to our community both in school and in our neighbourhood. One example among many is the hymn singing and afternoon tea hosted for the elderly people of NeighbourCare.