Pupils are continually assessed throughout their education.
In Nursery and Reception assessments are carried out at the beginning of the school year or when a child enters school. Throughout their time in Nursery and Reception an individual Learning Journal is developed in which children, parents and staff all contribute so that a robust profile of what each child can do is created. These assessments inform our planning. At the end of the Foundation Stage a profile is completed for each child. There is a national Baseline assessment which is completed for every child starting Reception Class completed within the first few weeks of school.
The Year 1 phonics screening check is not a formal test, but a way for teachers to ensure that children are making sufficient progress with their phonics skills to read words and that they are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning. There are two sections in this 40-word check and it assesses phonics skills and knowledge learned through Reception and Year 1. Your child will read up to four words per page for their teacher and they will probably do the check in one sitting of about 5–10 minutes.
Children in Year 2 sit SATs papers in the Summer term, This short video clip provides a useful explanation.
In all year groups children’s progress is assessed each half term. This enables teachers to celebrate the children’s achievements and identify the next steps in their learning. We follow the DfE requirements for assessments and work within the guidelines and principles set out by the Department of Education.
Under the national curriculum, primary school children are expected to know their 12 times tables by the end of Year 4. The focus is on quick recall also known as fluency. Children will be tested on times tables up to 12 x 12. The check itself will take place in the summer term in June.
- This is done online using a computer or tablet.
- It can be done one student at a time, in groups or as a class.
- It will take no longer than 5 minutes.
- It will feature 25 questions and children will have 6 seconds to answer each question. There will be a three-second pause after each question.
- There’s no problem-solving or division just simple “3 x 4 = ?” type questions.
- Each multiplication test is generated randomly so that no two pupils will take the same test. However, there is a guide on how many minimum and maximum questions will be asked on each times table.
Please see the following leaflet for further details.
2024 Multiplication Tables Check
At the end of Year 6 children complete the national Key Stage 2 statutory (SATS) tests. These results will be used as a basis for the teacher assessments at the end of the academic year.
The SATS papers that our Year 2 and Year 6 pupils will be taking in the Summer term are different from previous years. Click here for more information about these tests and the changes.
Teacher assessments will be given to parents with reports in the Spring term and again in July. They also help inform planning for the next year. However, there are many other measures which we use to mark achievement and it is important to recognise that individuals have many and varied talents.
Information for Parents
- Parents' Guide to Assessment KS1
- Reception Baseline Assessment
- Parents' Guide to Assessment KS2
- Phonics Screening Check 2024