Our School



We are part of the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust (SJSCAT), a multi-academy trust in the Diocese of Westminster.

A Board of Directors governs the Trust and is legally responsible for our school and other schools in the Trust. The Board is the key decision-making body and has three core governance functions: ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding executive leaders to account for educational performance and ensuring money is well spent.

The Board has appointed a Local Governing Body to conduct core governance functions in our school.  Local governors, appointed or elected from different parts of our school community, serve on our local governing body. The Chair of the Local Governing Body is Mark Cramphorn. To get in touch with the Chair, email office@stjosephsschool.org.uk or write to the Chair at the school address.

The local governing body meets twice a term to conduct business. Some aspects of its work are carried out by sub-committees or by link governors who visit our schools to focus on particular areas.

Remit and Exercise of Functions

The powers, constitution and proceedings of the local governing body are set out formally in a Scheme of Delegation and Delegation Matrix. The terms of reference for local governing body sub-committees and link governor roles show which responsibilities have been delegated by the local governing body and the names of those appointed to key positions.

Our local governing body has the following sub-committees and link governor roles: Admissions, Hearings, Headteacher Performance Review, Safeguarding. The terms of reference are available here.


Mark Cramphorn


Mark Cramphorn

Mark is an associate member of our local governing body. He is a father of four with two children currently attending St Joseph’s. Mark has spent a career in advertising, marketing and communications. During his time in business he has held senior positions in both global and local companies in roles ranging from Managing director to COO. Mark currently runs his own agency in central London. Having spent time in India, Mark finds himself interested how a country or organisation can improve a situation from the bottom up, as well as top down.



Dr. Ninette Fernandes-Viana

Dr. Ninette Fernandes-Viana

Dr Fernandes-Viana is Headteacher at St. Joseph's Primary School and a staff governor on the local governing body. A former pupil, parent and teacher at the school, Dr Fernandes-Viana has a long and successful history associated with the school's achievements, having progressed from an LSA to a class teacher in Years 2, 4, 5 and 6, Head of English, Deputy Head, SENCO, Acting Head Teacher and now Head Teacher. Passionately devoted to learning, with English as her specialism, Dr Fernandes-Viana also has a PhD in English Literature and has taught Victorian Literature in King's College London and at Hull University.


Gillian Balcombe

Gillian Balcombe

Gillian was elected as Local Authority Governor in January 2019.


Dionne Thomas


Dionne Thomas

Dionne is a Foundation Governor elected to her post in 2019 and has two children of different ages both attending St Joseph’s School. Dionne has spent her career working in the luxury goods sector. Since 2009, Dionne has ran her own consultancy firm specialising in Sales and Marketing for premium skin care, cosmetics and fashion brands.


Maria Kusionova

Maria Kusionova

Maria is an elected Parent Governor and has had a child attending St. Joseph's since nursery. Maria works in Financial Services and is experienced in Risk, Governance, Finance and Operations. She holds a university degree in Management and is a qualified Management Accountant



Patricia Morrin

Patricia Morrin

Patricia is an elected Staff Governor. She holds a primary honours degree in Social Science, a master’s degree in European Social Policy and a Catholic Certificate in Education. Patricia has 20 years’ experience as a classroom teacher and core subject leader and looks forward to bringing her experience to bear in her new role.

Caroline Moulinet


Caroline Moulinet

Caroline Moulinet is a Parent Governor since 2023. Her family joined the school in 2015: her four children attend or have attended St Joseph’s from nursery to year 6. She has a Master’s degree in chemistry and biochemistry and worked ten years in the cosmetics industry. She is now working in AI and machine learning patents technology for pharma, medtech and beauty care products industries. She is also a journalist for the Catholic online newspaper Aleteia and a writer.


Governance Documents

The Governance documents for the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust can be accessed from its website.

The terms upon which our school is funded are set out in a funding agreement with the Secretary of State for Education.

Register of Interests and Meeting Attendance

Financial Reports

The Trust maintains accounting records and prepares an annual report and accounts in line with the Charity Commission's Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) and Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Accounts Direction. Our reports and accounts will be published on the trust’s website by 31 January each year.

Live Life to the Full Fund

The focus of the Live Life to the Full Fund is to bring everyone in our community together to improve provision for our pupils and ensure we can give them the best possible Catholic education.   

Through the collective effort of the entire community, we can help to ensure that St Joseph’s continues to be a truly special place, which offers a fantastic education and opportunities to all pupils, regardless of their background.     

We invite all families and friends of the school to consider giving to the Fund at a level which is right for them,  taking into account  circumstances and existing commitments.  We can claim Gift Aid on all donations, which will help benefit pupils further. Your gifts will be used solely to support the pupils here at St Joseph’s.  

Find out more about Live Life to the Full Fund

Contact Us

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Lanark Road, Sutherland Avenue
London, W9 1DF

020 7286 3518