- 28/02/25
28 February Newsletter
Congratulations to all of the children who took part in the Westminster Primary Schools Swimming Gala this week. The children’s efforts were rewarded by a very close second place. Well done to all who took part and thank you for representing our school with such wonderful sportsmanship.Read Full Story - 07/02/25
7 February Newsletter
The SJSA is excited to invite you to this year’s Neon & 80s-Themed Auction night, on Saturday 22nd March. Our goal is to raise £260 for each of St. Joseph’s 260 children. Together, we’re aiming for 100% participation from our wonderful community! We’re calling on ev...Read Full Story - 24/01/25
24 January Newsletter
Congratulations to so many of our children for the efforts in the Athletics Competitions. Children across years 3,4,5 and 6 participated in a competition with other Westminster schools and achieved Gold for both competitions. Our Year 5 and 6 group have been selected to represent Westminster at the...Read Full Story - 10/01/25
10 January Newsletter
Firstly, I would like to wish a Happy New Year to you all. I hope you are all well rested and refreshed for the New Year and the new term. Moving forward, we will be offering a fortnightly newsletter which will enable lengthier communication including the children’s significant calendar events...Read Full Story - 23/12/24
20 December Newsletter
This is our final newsletter of the calendar year, and indeed a special one. In the few weeks, our fantastic children from Nursery to Y2 have performed Nativities with reverence and joy. They have been a credit to themselves, parents and indeed all members of our school community. Children in years...Read Full Story - 07/12/24
6 December Newsletter
School Christmas Lunch will be on 18th December, followed by class parties in the afternoon. This day will also be a Non School Uniform day. Children are encouraged to bring in small change to support Winston’s Wish: a charity that helps bereaved young children. A cause even more worthwh...Read Full Story