Our School

Policy and Statutory Information

Our School and Trust policies cover every aspect of school life. 

The Trust website holds the following policies, which are applicable to our school: Safeguarding and Child Protection, Special Educational Needs and Disability, Appraisal, Capability, Complaints, Data Protection, Disciplinary, Equality, Financial Manual, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, Grievance Resolution, Health and Safety, Information Security, Pensions Discretions (LGPS, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans, Privacy Notices, Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing), Quality Assurance, Sickness Absence. Follow this link to access any of the above policies.

Our school policies are accessible below. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Document Links


Contact Us

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Lanark Road, Sutherland Avenue
London, W9 1DF

020 7286 3518