Home School Partnership

Visiting School

We hold a number of open days every year when prospective parents may look around school and meet the Headteacher.

Starting Nursery

Just prior to starting nursery you will be given the opportunity for nursery teachers to visit your child in their current childcare setting or at home.  You will also be invited to a Nursery Information session in July and a coffee afternoon shortly before your children start with us.

Starting Reception

Before starting school, there will be a meeting to discuss admission arrangements and your child will have the opportunity to visit their Reception class. All pupils are invited to visit for at least one morning.

Curriculum Meetings

Curriculum meetings are held at the beginning of the year.  They provide parents with the opportunity to learn about new initiatives and teaching methods.

Home School Agreement

You and your child will be asked to sign a Home School Agreement.  This agreement sets out the expectations for the staff, parents and pupils. This will be kept in your child’s file and is reviewed yearly.


Parents are invited to consultation evenings in the Autumn and Summer terms to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. Every child receives a report each year in the Spring term and end of year assessments in July.

Open Afternoons

Each term parents are invited to view their child’s work in the classroom accompanied by their child.

Supporting your child at home

Parent workshops are held regularly to inform parents about new initiatives, how they can support their children at home and what their children are learning in school.

Useful Links

Parent Partnership Team

As our children’s primary educators our parents are valued at St. Joseph’s and we are always keen to work in partnership with them to ensure that their children are happy and learning.

The Parent Partnership Team (PPT) meet with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher each half term.  Every parent is welcome to attend these meetings which have a specific theme each time.  The views shared help to inform the School Strategic Plan and further improve our school.

Useful Links


Contact Us

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Lanark Road, Sutherland Avenue
London, W9 1DF

020 7286 3518